Motorola M12 Oncore User's Guide Page 42

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Chapter 3 – Receiver Description
Motorola GPS Products - Oncore User’s Guide
The Oncore receiver can output position, velocity, and time data on the TTL port once
each second. The start of the output data is timed to closely correspond with the
receiver measurement epoch. The measurement epoch is the point in time at which
the receiver makes satellite range measurements for the purpose of computing
position. The first byte of TTL data in the position message is output between 0 and 50
ms after the most recent Oncore receiver measurement epoch.
Refer to Figure 3.11 for the discussions that follow.
Let T
be the most recent measurement epoch. The Oncore Receiver takes about one
second to compute data from the satellite range measurements. Consequently, the
data output 0 to 50 ms after T
represents the best
estimate of the position, velocity, and time based on the measurements taken one
second in the past, at time T
_1. Position data (latitude, longitude, and height) is
computed from the most recent measurement epoch data, and is output immediately
after the next measurement epoch, which is 1.0 to 1.05 seconds after the original
measurements were taken.
Revision 5.0 08/30/02
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