Motorola M12 Oncore User's Guide Page 37

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Chapter 3 – Receiver Description
Motorola GPS Products - Oncore User’s Guide
Motorola Binary
Format Input/Output
Processing Time
NMEA Support
The GT Oncore 2.x firmware supports the NMEA 0183 format for GPS data output.
Output of data in the NMEA-0183 standard format allows a direct interface via the
serial port to an electronic navigation instrument that supports the specific output
messages. The following NMEA output messages are supported as per the NMEA-
0183 Specification Revision 2.0.1.
Message Description
GPGLL Geographic Position Latitude/Longitude
GPGSA GPS DOP and Active Satellites
GPGSV GPS Satellites in View
GPRMC Recommended Minimum Specific GPS/Transit Data
GPVTG Track Made Good and Ground Speed
GPZDA Time and Date
You can enable or disable each message output independently and control the
update rate at which the information is output. If back-up battery power is applied or
if the receiver has the battery option, then the GT Oncore receiver retains the output
settings when powered off and reconfigures itself to the same state when powered
up again. If no back-up power is provided, the receiver will start up in the default
state (Motorola binary format at 9600 baud) each time it is powered on.
All NMEA messages are formatted in sentences that begin with the ASCII $ (hex 24)
and end with ASCII <CR><LF> (hex OD and hex OA). A five character address occurs
after the ASCII $. The first two characters are the talker ID (which is GP for GPS
equipment), and the last three characters are the sentence formatter or message ID
from the list above. Note that the NMEA messages are not fixed length. Fields within
the message are delimited by the ASCII comma character. The maximum length of
any NMEA message is 79 characters.
The checksum is calculated by XORing the 8 data bits of each character in the
sentence between, but not including, the $ and the optional (*) or checksum (CS). The
high and low nibbles of the checksum byte are sent as ASCII characters.
The output of the above listed messages is controlled with a Motorola NMEA format
message. Input messages follow the NMEA specification, and take the form
$PMOTG,,,,,*CS<CR><LF>. All input parameters are separated with comma delimiters.
The P character identifies the message as Proprietary format, the MOT is the
manufacturer designator for Motorola, and the G is for GPS.
Revision 5.0 08/30/02
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