Motorola M12 Oncore User's Guide Page 22

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Chapter 3 – Receiver Description
Motorola GPS Products - Oncore User’s Guide
Time Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring (RAIM) is an algorithm in the Oncore
timing GPS receivers (M12 Timing and UT) that uses redundant satellite
measurements to confirm the integrity of the timing solution. The RAIM approach is
borrowed from the aviation community where integrity monitoring is safety critical.
In most surveying systems and instruments, there are more measurements taken
than are required to compute the solution. The excess measurements are redundant.
A system can use redundant measurements in an averaging scheme to compute a
blended solution that is more robust and accurate than using only the minimum
number of measurements required. Once a solution is computed, the measurements
can be inspected for blunders. This is the essence of Time RAIM. In order to perform
precise timing, the GPS receiver position is determined and then the receiver is put
into position-hold mode where the receiver no longer solves for position. With the
position known, the time is the only remaining unknown. In order to compute the time,
the GPS receiver only requires one satellite. If multiple satellites are tracked, then the
time solution is based on an average of the satellite measurements.
When the average solution is computed, it is compared to each individual satellite
measurement to screen for blunders. A residual is computed for each satellite by
differencing the solution average and the measurement. If there is a bad
measurement in the set, then the average will be skewed and one of the
measurements will have a large residual.
If the magnitude of the residuals exceeds the expected limit, then an alarm condition
exists and the individual residuals are checked. The magnitude of each residual is
compared with the size of the expected measurement error. If the residual does not
fall within a defined confidence level of the measurement accuracy, then it is flagged
as a blunder. Once a blunder is identified, then it is removed from the solution and the
solution is recomputed and checked again for integrity.
A simple analogy can be used to demonstrate the concept of blunder detection and
removal: a table is measured eight times using a tape measure. The measurements
are recorded in a notebook, but one of the measurements is recorded incorrectly.
The tape measure has 2 mm divisions, so the one sigma reading error is about 1 mm.
This implies that 95% of the measurements should be within 2 mm of truth.
The measurements and residuals are recorded in the table on the following page.
From the residual list, it is clear that trial six was a blunder. With the blunder
removed, the average and residuals are recomputed. This time, the residuals fall
within the expected measurement accuracy.
Revision 5.0 08/30/02
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