Motorola M12 Oncore User's Guide Page 35

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Chapter 3 – Receiver Description
Motorola GPS Products - Oncore User’s Guide
Description of
Motorola Binary
Format (Continued)
Motorola Binary Format (Continued)
You must take care in correctly formatting the input command. Pay particular
attention to the number of parameters and their valid ranges. An invalid message
could be interpreted as a valid unintended message. A beginning CSC, a valid
checksum, a terminating carriage return line feed, the correct message length and
valid parameter ranges are the only indicators of a valid input command to the
Oncore receiver. For multi-parameter input commands, the Oncore receiver will
reject the entire command if one of the input parameters is out of range. Once the
input command is detected, the Oncore receiver validates the message by checking
the checksum byte in the message.
Input and output data fields contain binary data that can be interpreted as scaled
floating point or integer data. The field width and appropriate scale factors for each
parameter are described in the individual I/O message format descriptions. Polarity of
the data (positive or negative) is described via the two's complement presentation.
Input command messages can be stacked into the Oncore receiver input buffer, up to
the depth of the message buffer (1200 characters long). The Oncore receiver will
operate on all full messages received during the previous one second interval and
will process them in the order they are received. Previously scheduled messages
may be output before the responses to the new input commands.
Every input command has a corresponding output response message. This enables
you to verify that the Oncore receiver accepted the input command. The Oncore
receiver response to properly formatted commands with at least one out-of-range
parameter is to return the previous unchanged value(s) of the parameter(s) in the
response message.
Input commands may be of the type that change a particular configuration parameter
of the Oncore receiver. Examples of these input command types include commands
to change the initial position, the Oncore receiver internal time and date, satellite
almanac, etc. These input commands, when received and validated by the Oncore
receiver, change the indicated parameter and result in a response message to show
the new value of the parameter that was changed. If the new value shows no
change, then the input command was either formatted improperly, or one of the input
parameters was out of its valid range.
NOTE: Every change-parameter type input command has a corresponding
response message showing the configuration parameter change. To request
the current status of the Oncore receiver, enter an input command with at
least one out-of-range parameter. The response to properly formatted
commands with out-of-range parameters is to output the original unchanged
value of the parameter in the response message.
Input commands may also be of the type that enable or disable the output of data or
status messages. These output status messages include those that the external
controller will use for measuring position, velocity, and time.
Revision 5.0 08/30/02
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