Motorola MTS HDTV set-top box Technical Information Page 23

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MTS HDTV Service
4. Enter programming code 900 by pressing the number keys on the remote control – The STB key
will flash three times indicating you have successfully entered the code and the remote has been
reset to the factory default settings
Note: If any other key is pressed except the number keys the STB key will give a long red flash and the
remote control will return to normal operation. Should the remote control time-out before you complete
the procedure you will need to start over.
B. Rest the Volume, Channel and Power Programming
1. Press and hold the STB key on the remote control
2. Without releasing the STB key, press and hold the OK key
3. Release both he STB key and the OK key – All four mode keys will flash twice to indicate
programming mode
4. Enter programming code 902 by pressing the number keys on the remote control. – The STB key
will flash three times indicating you have successfully entered the code to set all of the mode keys
as inactive and the remote will return to normal operation
Note: If any other key is pressed except the number keys the STB key will give a long red flash and the
remote control will return to normal operation. Should the remote control time-out before you complete the
procedure you will need to start over.
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