Professional RadioGM340User Guide68P64110B88Issue: July 2000
8EnglishRADIO OVERVIEWHardwareErrorHardware error, tonecontinues until validoperation.CancelMessagePrevious message ormessage currentlybeing played fr
9EnglishGETTING STARTEDGETTING STARTEDTURNING THE RADIO ON OR OFFADJUSTING THE VOLUMETur n the On/Off/Volume Control knobclockwise to increase the vol
10EnglishGETTING STARTEDSending a Call1. Select the desired radio channel.2. Press the PTT button and speak clearlyinto the microphone.Your mouth shou
11EnglishRADIO CALLSRADIO CALLSSELECTIVE CALLSMaking a Selective CallYou can make a selective call to a particularradio, known as an individual call,
12EnglishRADIO CALLSEMERGENCY CALLYour radio can be programmed to give you aone-button quick access to call a particularradio or centre (predefined by
13EnglishFEATURESFEATURESPUBLIC ADDRESS MODEThe Public Address mode allows you to useyour radio audio as a public address system.You can use your radi
14EnglishFEATURESCAR RADIO MUTEThe Car Radio Mute feature automaticallymutes your in-car audio entertainment systemto allow you to hear incoming calls
15EnglishUTILITIESUTILITIESThe utilities described below are programmedinto your radio by your dealer and areaccessible via a programmable button.
16EnglishUTILITIESVOICE RECORDERYou can record and playback incoming calls ormake a memo using the voice recorder feature,which allows up to 2 minutes
17EnglishUTILITIESSCANYou can monitor several channels in order toreceive any call that is transmitted on any ofthese channels. Sixteen channels can b
18EnglishUTILITIESDELETING A NUISANCE CHANNELIf a channel continually generates unwanted calls/noise (a “nuisance” channel), you can temporarilyremove
19EnglishUTILITIESCALL FORWARDYou can call forward calls to your radio toanother radio if you are unable to take calls orare away from your radio.Yo u
20EnglishUTILITIESTALKAROUNDIn your communications network, you may be usinga system to cover a larger area than is possible withyour radio. However,
21EnglishUTILITIESEXTERNAL ALARMThe external alarm feature activates thevehicle horn and/or lights to inform you of anincoming call when you are away
22EnglishUTILITIESLONE WORKERThe Lone Worker feature enables you to workalone with added safety.Yo u c a n s w i t c h On or Off Lone Worker byusing a
23EnglishUTILITIESPOWER LEVELYou can transmit your calls at different transmitpower levels. A higher level means you canreach a radio that is farther
24EnglishUTILITIESCOMPANDINGCompanding is a collective term to definecompressing the audio signal on transmissionand expanding the audio signal on rec
25EnglishUTILITIESOPTION BOARDYour radio is capable of being fitted with anoption board. Each board will extend thecapability of your radio by adding
26EnglishUTILITIESVOICE OPERATED TRANSMIT (VOX)When the VOX accessory is connected, yourradio may be used with hands-free operation.The VOX feature in
27EnglishSAFETYSAFETY INFORMATIONSafe and Efficient Operation of MotorolaTwo-Way RadiosThis section provides information and instructions forthe safe
1EnglishCONTENTSCONTENTSRadioOverview ... 3RadioControls... 3ProgrammableButtons ... 4AudioSignalTones
28EnglishSAFETYElectromagnetic Interference/CompatibilityNote: Nearly every electronic device issusceptible to electromagnetic interference(EMI) if in
29EnglishSAFETYMobile Radio Operation and EME ExposureTo assure optimal radio performance and thathuman exposure to radio frequency electromagneticene
30EnglishSAFETYGeneral Radio Care• The use of chemicals such asdetergents, alcohol, aerosolsprays, and/or petroleumproducts may be harmful to and dama
2EnglishCONTENTSSafetyInformation... 27SafeandEfficientOperation ... 27Exposure to Radio Frequency Energy . . . 27Electromagnetic
3EnglishRADIO OVERVIEWRADIO OVERVIEWThis user guide covers the operation of theGM340 Professional Mobile Radio.Please read pages 27 to 30 before using
4EnglishRADIO OVERVIEWPROGRAMMABLE BUTTONSSeveral of your radio buttons can beprogrammed (by Customer ProgrammingSoftware CPS) to activate the radio f
5EnglishRADIO OVERVIEWNuisance DeleteTo delete a nuisance (unwanted) channel when scanning,with exception of priority channel, last channel in scan li
6EnglishRADIO OVERVIEWExternal Alarm To toggle the External Alarm feature on and off.Record/Play-back(Voice Recorder)To record/play-back incoming call
7EnglishRADIO OVERVIEWAUDIO SIGNAL TONESHigh pitched tone Low pitched toneTone Signal DescriptionPower up OK Radio self-test OK.Power up Fail Radio se
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