Motorola MOSCAD 68P02958C00-B User Manual Page 353

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Software Diagnostics Output
## 620
Low byte : %%
Message : %%
‘send message’ : %%
‘comm established’ flag : %%
‘message exist’ flag : %%
Warmup not done : %%
Dial number : %%
Physical key : %%
Mini - session key : %%
Unformatted heap key : %%
## 640 LEVEL = 0
Physical device key : %% 1
Physical pin’s table : %% 2
Async dial physical device key : %% 3
Async dial physical pin’s table : %% 4
Interval between phone call retries (sec) : %% 5
# of phone call retries : %% 6
# of times to call the physical_receive
before hanging up (indicator) : %% 7
# of times to call the physical_receive
before hanging up (responser) : %% 8
‘wait for call’ interval in (milli - sec) : %% 9
1. Adapter layer device key.
2. Adapter pin table.
3. Dial (DART) device key.
4. Dial (DART) PIN table.
5. Interval between two dialing attempts.
6. Number of phone call retries.
7. Quiet time, in seconds, before hanging up on the initiating site.
8. Quiet time, in seconds, before hanging up on the responding site.
9. Inner program waiting time for a new incoming call.
## 641 LEVEL = 1
Ldialer current state : : %% 1
Current hang up counter : %% 2
Last / current dialed phone number : %% 3
Previous dialed phone number : %% 4
Last / current partner site id : %% 5
Is initiator : %% 6
1. Ldialer state: 0 - wait for new call, 1- communication established
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