Motorola CABLE MODEM SB6100J - GUIDE Specifications Page 16

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SB6120- Customer Release Notes
Motorola 365-095-13135
Sheet 16 of 20 Printed Copies of this Document are Not Controlled Revision X.2
The SB6120 was losing IP connectivity after being upgraded to v1.0.1.1-SCM02. A temporary fix
is to disable the SB6120 Packet Processor Acceleration using Texas Instrument's Session Router
technology. (cqvds00012004)
9.11.1. Features
Implementation of Packet Processing Acceleration using Texas Instrument's Session Router
technology. This enables hardware support of fast packet routing (Packet Session Router), greatly
enhancing the cable modem’s ability to route small packets at high speeds.
9.11.2. Defects Fixed
An issue was resolved where the SB6120 could get into a DHCP(ack) state after a CMTS reset,
causing the modem not to register. (cqvds00011097)
9.12.1. Features
Added support of new HRC Channel Plan frequencies to the downstream channel-scanning
algorithm. (cqvds00009207 and cqvds00010972)
The SB6120 now supports the UCC feature when operating in non-bonded mode.
The DCC feature set is supported for upstream channel changes when operating in a non-bonded
environment. (cqvds00008635)
The SB6120E is designed to require the Euro-DOCSIS CVC in support of secure download of
SB6120E images (as designated by the *.NNEMN.p7 file extension). This also resolves an issue
where SCD could fail on modems loaded with dual certificate chains due to a CVC discrepancy.
(cqvds00010237 and cqvds00008923)
Enhancements were made in that if there are no docsDevNmAccess table entries in the config file,
the SB6120 will not allow SNMP access.
The SB6120 now supports (and requires) the following per the CM-SP-MULPIv3.0 specification:
TLV55 SNMP CPE Access Control
If the value of this field is a 1, the CM MUST allow SNMP access from any CPE attached to it. If
the value of this field is a 0, the CM MUST NOT allow SNMP Access from any CPE attached to
Type Length Value
55 1 0 Disable
1 Enable
The CM MUST disable SNMP access from CPEs connected to the cable modem unless this TLV
is present in the config file with value equal to 1.
The following DOCSIS 3.0 MIB tables are supported. (cqvds00010104)
9.12.2. Defects Fixed
The SB6120 will now properly enforce “docsDevNmAccessInterfaces” settings. Previously, when
the SB6120 received a config file with the "docsDevNmAccessInterfaces" defined, the ethernet
interface setting was ignored, and SNMP access was always disabled on the ethernet interface.
(cqvds00010432 and cqvds00009943)
A SID issue which occurred when the SB6120 was operating in non-bonded mode with BPI+
enabled, caused the modem to get into a “reject(pk) state was resolved. (cqvds00009521)
The SB6120 no longer fails downstream and upstream DCC when in DOCSIS 2.0 mode with BPI+
enabled. (cqvds00009498)
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