Motorola MOTOFONE F3 - How to Guide User Manual Page 14

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14 October 27, 2006 6809505A65-A
General Operation MOTOFONE F3
Battery Date Code
The battery date code is a 15 position alphanumeric code that provides backend
manufacture site information, year and week of manufacture date, cell type and
vendor information.
The battery date code is used for cell phone batteries that were manufactured
beginning in March 2003. The following paragraphs provide more detail about the
battery date code.
1. Backend Pack Manufacturing Site (first position of battery code)
2. Cell code and vendor (second and third position of battery code):
2 alpha characters.
To ensure proper memory retention, turn the phone OFF before removing the
A = Motorola Penang J= ESG, Chihuahua S = T.D.I Scotland
B = T.D.I. Mexico K= T.D.I. Romeoville
T = T.D.I Downers
C = Motorola China L = Motorola
U = T.D.I. Hungary
D = T.D.I. Shanghai, China
M =TDI, Malaysia
M = J Power
V =
E = ESG, Evadin, Brazil N = TDI, Manau, Brazil W = ESG, Sung Woo
F = ESG, Propower, Korea
O =
X = ESG, Foxlink, China
G = P = Intesys Arizona Y = P&K (G.E.T.)
Systems, Korea
H = Motorola Harvard
Q = Z =
I = Motorola lreland
R = Foxlink, Tianjin
Cell Reference
Vendor Size Part Number
IA A&TB 6.6x30x48 LGQ633048C
1B A&TB 6.6x30x48 LGQ633048D
1C A&TB 6.6x30x47.2 LGQ633048P
1D A&TB 8.8x34x48 LGQ863448C
1E A&TB 8.8x34x47.3 LGQ8634481-1
1F A&TB 18x65 LGR18650E
IG A&TB 7.5x14.5x48 TH750F5
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