Motorola V3229 - 14.4 Kbps Modem Specifications Page 81

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Configuring Asynchronous Lines and Interfaces
How to Configure Asynchronous Interfaces and Lines
Cisco IOS Dial Technologies Configuration Guide
Verifying Autoselect PPP
The following trace appears when the debug modem and debug ppp negotiation commands are
enabled. As PPP calls pass through the access server, you should see this output.
When autoselect is used, “login” authentication is bypassed. If security is required, it must be performed
at the protocol level (that is, ARAP or PPP authentication). SLIP does not offer protocol layer
22:21:02: TTY1: DSR came up
22:21:02: tty1: Modem: IDLE->READY
22:21:02: TTY1: Autoselect started
22:21:05: TTY1: Autoselect sample 7E
22:21:05: TTY1: Autoselect sample 7EFF
22:21:05: TTY1: Autoselect sample 7EFF7D
22:21:05: TTY1 Autoselect cmd: ppp default
22:21:05: TTY1: EXEC creation
%LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface Async1, changed state to up
22:21:07: ppp: sending CONFREQ, type = 2 (CI_ASYNCMAP), value = A0000
22:21:07: ppp: sending CONFREQ, type = 5 (CI_MAGICNUMBER), value = 23BE13AA
22:21:08: PPP Async1: state = REQSENT fsm_rconfack(0xC021): rcvd id 0x11
22:21:08: ppp: config ACK received, type = 2 (CI_ASYNCMAP), value = A0000
22:21:08: ppp: config ACK received, type = 5 (CI_MAGICNUMBER), value = 23BE13AA
22:21:08: ppp: config ACK received, type = 7 (CI_PCOMPRESSION)
22:21:08: ppp: config ACK received, type = 8 (CI_ACCOMPRESSION)
22:21:08: PPP Async1: received config for type = 0x2 (ASYNCMAP) value = 0x0 acked
22:21:08: PPP Async1: received config for type = 0x5 (MAGICNUMBER) value = 0x2A acked
22:21:08: PPP Async1: received config for type = 0x7 (PCOMPRESSION) acked
22:21:08: PPP Async1: received config for type = 0x8 (ACCOMPRESSION) acked
22:21:08: ipcp: sending CONFREQ, type = 3 (CI_ADDRESS), Address =
22:21:08: ppp Async1: ipcp_reqci: rcvd COMPRESSTYPE (rejected) (REJ)
22:21:08: ppp Async1: Negotiate IP address: her address (NAK with address (NAK)
22:21:08: ppp: ipcp_reqci: returning CONFREJ.
22:21:08: PPP Async1: state = REQSENT fsm_rconfack(0x8021): rcvd id 0x9
22:21:08: ipcp: config ACK received, type = 3 (CI_ADDRESS), Address =
22:21:08: ppp Async1: Negotiate IP address: her address (NAK with address (NAK)
22:21:08: ppp: ipcp_reqci: returning CONFNAK.
22:21:09: ppp Async1: Negotiate IP address: her address (ACK)
22:21:09: ppp: ipcp_reqci: returning CONFACK.
%LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Async1, changed state to up
Verifying Autoselect ARA
The following trace appears when the debug modem and debug arap internal commands are enabled.
As ARA version 2.0 calls pass through the access server, this output is displayed.
20:45:11: TTY3: DSR came up
20:45:11: tty3: Modem: IDLE->READY
20:45:11: TTY3: EXEC creation
20:45:11: TTY3: Autoselect(2) sample 1
20:45:11: TTY3: Autoselect(2) sample 11B
20:45:12: TTY3: Autoselect(2) sample 11B02
20:45:18: ARAP: ---------- SRVRVERSION ----------
20:45:19: ARAP: ---------- ACKing 0 ----------
20:45:19: ARAP: ---------- AUTH_CHALLENGE ----------
20:45:21: ARAP: ---------- ACKing 1 ----------
20:45:21: ARAP: ---------- AUTH_RESPONSE ----------
20:45:21: ARAP: ---------- STARTINFOFROMSERVER ----------
20:45:22: ARAP: ---------- ACKing 2 ----------
22:45:22: ARAP: ---------- ZONELISTINFO ----------
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