show resource-pool vpdn group command DC-734
show resource-pool vpdn profile command DC-734
show run command DC-105
show running-config command DC-206, DC-739
show sgbp command DC-623
show sgbp queries command DC-623
show snapshot command DC-436
show spe command DC-139
show spe digital active command DC-140
show spe digital command DC-140
show spe digital csr command DC-140
show spe digital disconnect-reason command DC-140
show spe digital summary command DC-140
show spe log command DC-139
show spe modem active command DC-123, DC-124, DC-141
show spe modem command DC-142
show spe modem csr command DC-141
show spe modem disconnect-reason command DC-141
show spe modem speed command DC-142
show spe version command DC-139
show version command DC-116
show vines traffic command DC-370, DC-400, DC-426
show vpdn command DC-535
show vpdn multilink command DC-735
show vpdn tunnel command DC-535
show xns traffic command DC-370, DC-400, DC-426
shutdown command DC-475
channel-associated analog calls
E1 R2
configuration (example)
configuring DC-280
countries supported DC-278
country settings DC-280
overview DC-277
parameters DC-280
sample topology DC-278
troubleshooting DC-283
in-band DC-253
out-of-band DC-253
R1 modified DC-284
R2 DC-280
clock source DC-286, DC-287
encoding options DC-286, DC-287
framing options DC-286, DC-287
robbed-bit DC-253
SLIP (Serial Line Internet Protocol)
automatic sessions, starting DC-26
defined DC-570
IP, configuring over DC-565
IP-SLIP (example) DC-40
PPP banner DC-574
(example) DC-576
tokens DC-574
PPP BOOTP requests DC-563
server connections DC-570
telecommuting configuration (example) DC-563
snapshot client command DC-435, DC-437
snapshot routing DC-433 to DC-437
client router, configuring DC-435
interface diagnostics DC-436
monitoring DC-436
overview DC-433
quiet DC-434
quiet periods, stopping DC-436
routed protocols supported DC-434
routing information exchange DC-433
server configuration (example) DC-437
server router, configuring DC-436
snapshot server command DC-436
snmp-server enable traps ds0-busyout command DC-104
snmp-server enable traps isdn chan-not-avail
snmp-server enable traps modem-health
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