Motorola MILESTONE - Specifications Page 53

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51Memory card & file transfer
Memory card & file transfer
copy photos, music and more to your phone
Memory card
Note: You need the memory card installed for some
features on your phone, such as Camera.
Delete or share files on your phone
Find it: > Files > Phone files
Touch a file or folder to open, then touch and hold a file
to Delete or Share.
Remove or format your memory card
Note: Do not remove your memory card while your
phone is using it or writing files to it.
Before you remove or format your memory card you
need to unmount it. Touch Menu > Settings > SD
card & storage
> Unmount SD card.
To format your memory card, touch Format SD card.
Warning: All data on your memory card will be
View & transfer files
Your can use Motorola Phone Portal (MPP) to connect
your phone and computer with a cable or a Wi-Fi
When you connect your phone or type the MPP URL
into your computers browser, you’ll see the MPP
home screen.
Note: MPP works best with Internet Explorer 7 or
newer, with JavaScript and cookies enabled.
Show All recent activity, or only
your SMS (text messages) or
Open your recent activity
(Home), Contacts, Photos,
Settings, File manager or
Choose your language.
Open details about your phone’s
network signal, battery or
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