Technical InformationMotorola G24 KJAVAUser’s GuideJULY 15, 20086802981C50-D
List of Figuresvi G24 KJAVA User’s Guide July 15, 2008
July 15, 2008 G24 KJAVA User’s Guide vii1-1 G24 Java Compared to a Handset. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
List of Tablesviii G24 KJAVA User’s Guide July 15, 2008
July 15, 2008 G24 KJAVA User’s Guide ixPrefaceManual ScopeThis guide gives an overview of the G24 KJAVA product and its capabilities.Target AudienceTh
Abbreviations, Acronyms And Definitionsx G24 KJAVA User’s Guide July 15, 2008Motorola products or services are not designed, intended, or authorized
Preface July 15, 2008 G24 KJAVA User’s Guide xiTrademarksMOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. All
Applicable Documentationxii G24 KJAVA User’s Guide July 15, 2008Applicable Documentation[1] Motorola G24 Developer's Guide, Module Hardware Desc
Preface July 15, 2008 G24 KJAVA User’s Guide xiiiWarningWarning: Presents information to warn you of a potentially hazardous situation in which there
Caring for the Environmentxiv G24 KJAVA User’s Guide July 15, 2008Do not service or adjust aloneDo not attempt internal service or adjustment unless
Preface July 15, 2008 G24 KJAVA User’s Guide xvDisposal of Motorola equipment in EU countriesPlease do not dispose of Motorola equipment in landfill
SPECIFICATIONS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICENoticeWhile reasonable efforts have been made to assure the accuracy of this document, Motorola, Inc. a
Revision Historyxvi G24 KJAVA User’s Guide July 15, 2008Revision HistoryManual Number6802981C50-DManual TitleG24 KJAVA User’s GuideVersion Informatio
July 15, 2008 G24 KJAVA User’s Guide 1-1Chapter 1: Product OverviewIntroductionG24 is a GSM/GPRS/EDGE OEM module. It is similar to a condensed cellula
Introduction1-2 G24 KJAVA User’s Guide July 15, 2008Figure 1-1 and Figure 1-2 present the differences between basic module architecture and theKJAVA
Chapter 1: Product Overview July 15, 2008 G24 KJAVA User’s Guide 1-3A handset, display and keypad can be attached to the EVB. Such an EVB configurati
Typical Use Case1-4 G24 KJAVA User’s Guide July 15, 2008
July 15, 2008 G24 KJAVA User’s Guide 2-1Chapter 2: General SetupEvaluation BoardFigure 2-1 shows a G24 unit, display and SIM card mounted on the evalu
Evaluation Board2-2 G24 KJAVA User’s Guide July 15, 2008Antenna InstallationNote: The numbers in parenthesis refer to the numbers shown in Figure 2-1
Chapter 2: General Setup July 15, 2008 G24 KJAVA User’s Guide 2-3Power Supply Installation1. The supplied wall adapter includes a North-American type
Software Configuration2-4 G24 KJAVA User’s Guide July 15, 2008Software ConfigurationG24 KJAVA has several GSM models available:• Dual Band Europe• Du
Chapter 2: General Setup July 15, 2008 G24 KJAVA User’s Guide 2-5MIDlet DownloadingSerial (UART2)Downloading a MIDlet via serial communications can b
Trademarks MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the US Patent & Trademark Office. All other product or service names are the propert
Software Configuration2-6 G24 KJAVA User’s Guide July 15, 20082. Triggering an OTA download from the DM.Common Errors1. Attributes common to JAR mani
July 15, 2008 G24 KJAVA User’s Guide 3-1Chapter 3: KJAVA ArchitectureGeneralThe G24 KJAVA product runs one of the following two types of MIDlets:User
Functional Description3-2 G24 KJAVA User’s Guide July 15, 2008Functional DescriptionG24 KJAVA module has three entities:• MIDlet Manager - Manages an
Chapter 3: KJAVA Architecture July 15, 2008 G24 KJAVA User’s Guide 3-3KMgr assigned pin depends on the hardware configuration (OEM or HMI) as describ
MIDlet Manager3-4 G24 KJAVA User’s Guide July 15, 2008MIDlet ManagerThe MIDlet Manager manages and executes the MIDlet. It is activated when KMgr pin
Chapter 3: KJAVA Architecture July 15, 2008 G24 KJAVA User’s Guide 3-5JTool ManagerJTool Manager enables users to communicate with the G24 KJAVA modu
OEM Modes3-6 G24 KJAVA User’s Guide July 15, 2008OEM ModesThe G24 unit has three functional modes (OEM modes): 1. Java - Only MIDlet controls the uni
Chapter 3: KJAVA Architecture July 15, 2008 G24 KJAVA User’s Guide 3-7There are two types of commands. "Type 1" consists of permanently blo
MIDlet Security3-8 G24 KJAVA User’s Guide July 15, 2008MIDlet SecurityThis paragraph describes the MIDP 2.0 Security Model for the Motorola G24 KJAVA
July 15, 2008 G24 KJAVA User’s Guide 4-1Chapter 4: Development and MaintenanceGeneralThe following log types are available:AMS logs - Issued by unit c
JTool Commands4-2 G24 KJAVA User’s Guide July 15, 2008UART's Baud Rate OEMconfig_BaudRead:X Read baud rate for serial X X values:'1' -
Chapter 4: Development and Maintenance July 15, 2008 G24 KJAVA User’s Guide 4-3Clear invalidity flagOEMconfig_clearFlag:UM Clear UM invalidity flag (
KDWP4-4 G24 KJAVA User’s Guide July 15, 2008KDWPKDWP is used for MIDlet "on target" debugging. Its "Debug agent" (PC application)
July 15, 2008 G24 KJAVA User’s Guide 5-1Chapter 5: JAVA APIKJAVA ContentThe APIs available in G24 KJAVA product are listed in Table 5-1.Table 5-1: Mot
Packages Overview5-2 G24 KJAVA User’s Guide July 15, 2008Packages OverviewFor detailed package usage information refer to Javadoc.Access PackagePacka
Chapter 5: JAVA API July 15, 2008 G24 KJAVA User’s Guide 5-3Some network indication response require user's action (example: password for barrin
Packages Overview5-4 G24 KJAVA User’s Guide July 15, 2008OSC System PropertiesThe OSC system properties are listed in Table 5-2.Sleep ModeG24 will en
Chapter 5: JAVA API July 15, 2008 G24 KJAVA User’s Guide 5-5Note:• USB device connected to G24 will prevent unit from entering sleep mode.• If data (
Packages Overview5-6 G24 KJAVA User’s Guide July 15, 2008MeasurementsThe G24 KJAVA module supports measurements of antenna presence, battery level an
Chapter 5: JAVA API July 15, 2008 G24 KJAVA User’s Guide 5-7TemperatureTemperature measurement is mapped from 0-255 A2D units to Celsius.The actual t
July 15, 2008 G24 KJAVA User’s Guide iManual Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Packages Overview5-8 G24 KJAVA User’s Guide July 15, 2008A temperature level approximation can be obtained using the following 5th order polynomial f
Chapter 5: JAVA API July 15, 2008 G24 KJAVA User’s Guide 5-9Once it is activated, the platform sends events every 10 seconds that can be caught by OS
Packages Overview5-10 G24 KJAVA User’s Guide July 15, 2008AUTH_METHOD_USERNETWPIN, AUTH_METHOD_USERPIN, and AUTH_METHOD_USERPINMAC.The following tabl
Chapter 5: JAVA API July 15, 2008 G24 KJAVA User’s Guide 5-11HAPI PackagePackage name: com.motorola.oem.hapiThe G24 KJAVA product supports two hardwa
Packages Overview5-12 G24 KJAVA User’s Guide July 15, 2008Figure 5-2: GPIO Counter MechanismInterrupt and Counter performance1. Interrupt latency - n
Chapter 5: JAVA API July 15, 2008 G24 KJAVA User’s Guide 5-13b. Notifications: both edges.c. Counter: cyclical.d. Counter expiry: 50 pulses.5. GpioCo
Packages Overview5-14 G24 KJAVA User’s Guide July 15, 2008A2D Classes1. A2dManager - Manages the access to A2D converters.2. A2dChannel - A2D convert
Chapter 5: JAVA API July 15, 2008 G24 KJAVA User’s Guide 5-15I2C default configuration:After opening I2C connection, its default configuration will b
Packages Overview5-16 G24 KJAVA User’s Guide July 15, 20082. NACK - in case it is not the first byte transfer on the bus.• For known issues, please r
Chapter 5: JAVA API July 15, 2008 G24 KJAVA User’s Guide 5-17Standard Classes DeviationsComm ConnectionsPackage:
Table of Contentsii G24 KJAVA User’s Guide July 15, 2008Chapter 4: Development and Maintenance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Standard Classes Deviations5-18 G24 KJAVA User’s Guide July 15, 2008while (true) {int len =;if (len > -1) {//receive dataSyst
Chapter 5: JAVA API July 15, 2008 G24 KJAVA User’s Guide 5-19Message ConnectionPackage: javax.wireless.messaging.Default SMS Port API.All regular inc
Standard Classes Deviations5-20 G24 KJAVA User’s Guide July 15, 2008Initialization of a GPS DeviceThe GPS device should be initialized before usage,
Chapter 5: JAVA API July 15, 2008 G24 KJAVA User’s Guide 5-21Parameters in square brackets are optional. If an optional parameter is omitted, the def
Standard Classes Deviations5-22 G24 KJAVA User’s Guide July 15, 2008// display location resultscoordinates = location.getQualifiedCoordinates()
July 15, 2008 G24 User’s Guide A-1Appendix A: GPIO LinesPin assignment details for G24 KJAVA module GPIO lines are listed in the following tables.Note
A-2 G24 User’s Guide July 15, 200819 DTR_N GPIO14 100k 1 I/O I Y Y17 DCD_N GPIO15 100k 1 I/O O Y Y16 WKUPI_N(EVB S100)GPIO16 22k 1 I/O I Y NTable A-1
July 15, 2008 G24 KJAVA User’s Guide B-1Appendix B: Default MIDlet FeaturesSupply Of All Available Unit InformationDM outputs all available unit infor
CQA Testing Routines HandlerB-2 G24 KJAVA User’s Guide July 15, 2008The following table shows report types:Note: All report addresses can be configur
Appendix B: Default MIDlet Features July 15, 2008 G24 KJAVA User’s Guide B-3SMS Updates / Requests ListenerThe DM starts an SMS listener which allows
Table of ContentsJuly 15, 2008 G24 KJAVA User’s Guide iiiMessages Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
SMS Updates / Requests ListenerB-4 G24 KJAVA User’s Guide July 15, 2008Message fields are given in the table below:Description Field String Valid Val
Appendix B: Default MIDlet Features July 15, 2008 G24 KJAVA User’s Guide B-5Example: Update the Java Sessionaction:java sessionhomepage:http://www.dom
SMS Updates / Requests ListenerB-6 G24 KJAVA User’s Guide July 15, 2008Example 2: Download, install and run the MIDlet found at
Appendix B: Default MIDlet Features July 15, 2008 G24 KJAVA User’s Guide B-7PingThis message is used to verify if the unit is working. When the DM rec
SMS Updates / Requests ListenerB-8 G24 KJAVA User’s Guide July 15, 2008
July 15, 2008 G24 KJAVA User’s Guide C-1Appendix C: GPIO Interrupt LatencyIntroductionIn order to achieve minimal average interrupt latency (HW I/O to
Code ExampleC-2 G24 KJAVA User’s Guide July 15, 2008• Thread.yield() -This method enforces current thread to give up the CPU resource.In order to cre
July 15, 2008 G24 KJAVA User’s Guide D-1Appendix D: MIDlet SigningGeneralThere are two types of MIDlet signing:• Generic signing• Bound signingGeneri
Bound SigningD-2 G24 KJAVA User’s Guide July 15, 20085. Send the "example.csr" file created in step 2 and the "G24_Bound_Cert_Request_
July 15, 2008 G24 KJAVA User’s Guide E-1Appendix E: IP DirectorUsing The IPD FeatureThe external device will trigger the IPD state changes via a seria
Table of Contentsiv G24 KJAVA User’s Guide July 15, 2008
IPD ActivationE-2 G24 KJAVA User’s Guide July 15, 2008IPD ActivationThe External device will generally have to establish a PPP link over serial, in o
Appendix E: IP Director July 15, 2008 G24 KJAVA User’s Guide E-3IPD DeactivationOne of the following actions will deactivate the IPD:1. External devic
OTA (Over The Air) Over Serial PPP LinkE-4 G24 KJAVA User’s Guide July 15, 2008
@6802981C50@6802981C50-DMOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the US Patent & Trademark Office. All other product or service names ar
July 15, 2008 G24 KJAVA User’s Guide v1-1 G24 - Basic Module Architecture. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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