Commercial SeriesCM340User Guide6866545D05 - OIssue: October 2003
8EnglishRADIO OVERVIEWLED INDICATORSThree LEDs show radio status as follows:Priority ChannelRadio landed on the priority channel.Lone Worker Reminds l
9EnglishGETTING STARTEDGETTING STARTEDTURNING THE RADIO ON / OFFADJUSTING THE VOLUMETurn the On/Off/Volume Control knob clockwise to increase the volu
10EnglishGETTING STARTEDSELECTING A RADIO CHANNELYour radio offers up to 10 channels, however some may not be programmed. Check with your dealer for m
11EnglishGETTING STARTEDMEMORY CHANNELThe programmable buttons (P1 and P2) can be programmed as Memory Channel buttons which allow you quick access to
12EnglishGETTING STARTEDRECEIVING A CALL1. Turn your radio on and adjust the volume level.2. Switch to the desired radio channel.3. If, at any time, a
13EnglishRADIO CALLSRADIO CALLSSELECTIVE CALLSMaking a Selective CallYou can make a selective call to a particular radio, known as an individual call,
14EnglishRADIO CALLSEMERGENCY CALLYour radio can be programmed (buttons C or D) to give you a one-button quick access to call a particular radio or
15EnglishFEATURESFEATURESPUBLIC ADDRESS MODEThe Public Address mode allows you to use your radio audio as a public address system. You can use your ra
16EnglishFEATURESCAR RADIO MUTEThe Car Radio Mute feature automatically mutes your in-car audio entertainment system to allow you to hear incoming cal
17EnglishUTILITIESUTILITIESThe utilities described below are programmed into your radio by your dealer and are accessible via a programmable button.SC
12356 7489.4
18EnglishUTILITIESDeleting a Nuisance ChannelIf a channel continually generates unwanted calls/noise (a “nuisance” channel), you can temporarily remov
19EnglishUTILITIESTALKAROUNDIn your communications network, you may be using a system to cover a larger area than is possible with your radio. However
20EnglishUTILITIESLONE WORKERThe Lone Worker feature enables you to work alone with added safety. You can switch the feature On or Off by using a pre
21EnglishUTILITIESCOMPANDINGCompanding is a collective term to define compressing the audio signal on transmission and expanding the audio signal on r
22EnglishUTILITIESVOICE OPERATED TRANSMIT (VOX)When the VOX accessory is connected, your radio may be used with hands-free operation.The VOX feature i
1EnglishCONTENTSCONTENTSRadioOverview ... 3Radio Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3Microphone Controls . . . .
2EnglishCONTENTSComputerSoftwareCopyrightThe products described in this manual may include copyrightedcomputer programmes stored in semiconductor memo
3EnglishRADIO OVERVIEWRADIO OVERVIEWThis user guide covers the operation of the CM340 Mobile Radio. ATTENTION!This radio is restricted to occupational
4EnglishRADIO OVERVIEWPROGRAMMABLE BUTTONSSeveral of your radios keys and buttons can be programmed, by Customer Programming Software (CPS), as short
5EnglishRADIO OVERVIEWNuisance Delete To delete a nuisance (unwanted) channel when scanning, with exception of priority channel, last channel in scan
6EnglishRADIO OVERVIEWLCD DISPLAYDisplays the radio operating Channel.A dot is also displayed at the bottom right hand corner of the display to indica
7EnglishRADIO OVERVIEWAUDIO SIGNAL TONESHigh pitched tone Low pitched toneTone Signal DescriptionPower up OK Radio self-test OK.Power up FailRadio s
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